Thursday, 12 December 2019


Teatro Alighieri - Ravenna

In less than a week, I will be playing here! I was asked again to raise funds for the Associazione Vittorio Tison. After last year's concert in beautiful Forli', this year I will be playing in this gorgeous theater in Ravenna: Teatro Dante Alighieri, dedicated to the famous poet who spent the last years of his life in the city. 

Building started in 1838 and was inaugurated only in 1852. The two Venician architects, Tommaso and Giambattista Meduna, had just finished restoration of the Fenice in Venice, after one of the many fires who, throughout its history, had attempted to the life of this prestigious theater. In fact, the two theaters are not too dissimlar:

Teatro La Fenice - Venice

Among the musicians that played here, there were Arturo Bendetti Michelangeli, Cortot, Milstein, Segovia, the Quartetto Italiano, ...

However, I will be playing in the smaller hall, called il Ridotto, dedicated to Arcangelo Corelli in 2004, in occasion of the 350th anniversary of the birth of the famous composer, who was born in 1653 in Fusignano - close-by, in the province of Ravenna.- 

Capital of the Western Roman Empire from 402 to 476, Ravenna is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was originally a port town, and as such, easily in contact with the Eastern Roman Empire.